Friday 31 July 2015

Stress Badly Effects On Your Hair And Skin

Stress Badly Effects On Your Hair And Skin|
Stress effects people differently. Having a stressful life, unfortunately it leaves bad signs on your skin and hairs.
Pankaj Chaturvedi, dermatologist and specialist hair transplant surgeon at “MedLinks, a centre for skin and hair treatment, shares what stress can do to skin and hair:
Hair loss
Due to stress, our blood vessels get constricted and the hair follicles are unable to get the required quantity of oxygen and other nutrients, which are necessary for hair growth. Lack of nutrients often leads to hair loss for various people who are stressed.
Acne On Face
Since our skin and mind are deeply connected; the moment stress hormones are released, oil production in the skin increases and leads to acne breakouts.
Ageing Signs
It is easy to identify people who are stressed because the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and dark circles start to show on their face much earlier than they should.
Here are some best ways to get rid of stress:
Sleep for at least eight hours. Lack of sleep makes a person cranky and irritable. Nothing can beat a good night’s sleep in releasing stress.
Get a nice massage. It will help to relax your body and open all the blocked energy channels.
Exercise for some time. It motivates you and lifts your mood. It helps to energies you and is the key to a healthy body.
Meditate for at least 15-20 minutes per day. You can do it any time, any place at your convenience. Sitting in peace can help you to focus your thoughts and help release stress.
Eat small frequent meals and eat healthy food. Some foods that are really good for busting stress include almonds, blueberries and salmon.

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